Our Services


Annual Query

Leverage our technology solution to streamline and automate the annual query process. We will provide real-time roster management including data validation, ensuring you are compliant with the annual query requirement with verifiable source documents. Our solution will allow you to set query dates based upon your company’s specific business requirements.

Administration of Custom Electronic Consents

Our electronic solution will streamline and automate the capture of each driver’s consent to ensure you are compliant. We will customize the consent based upon your needs and store the consent for future review and audit.


Provide us your roster and we will take care of the rest.

Additional Services

In addition to the annual query, we can provide a full Driver Clearinghouse service suite. This includes the following:


Owner Operator Package Plan

If you are an Owner Operator we have a yearly plan designed for your needs.

  • Clearinghouse Services

  • Management of FMCSA compliant drug testing program


Ready? Let’s go!

Come to us so we can streamline the process for you. Sign up for first access and announcements!